The Connected Learning Summit 2018: Thoughts on Making
David Cole brings together key insights and resources on maker education from the 2018 Connected...
Six Ways to Build Girl-Inclusive Makerspaces
Nikole Collins-Puri, CEO of TechBridge Girls, explores her organization's mission and outlines six key strategies...
What Libraries Offer the Maker Movement
A growing group of libraries have opened up space for maker projects as one way...
Maker Ed Presents: The Maker Educator Convening
Are you an experienced maker educator? Want to connect with other progressive colleagues committed to...
Open Portfolios: Full Research Brief Series
A new research brief series from the Maker Education Initiative provides a rich, fascinating set...
Maker Corps Calls for New Members
The Maker Education Initiative invites you to apply to become a Maker Corps Member. Maker...
Certificate Program Helps Educators Grow a “Maker Mindset”
The Maker Certificate Program, based out of Sonoma State University, provides a professional development opportunity...
Digital Learning Day Challenge: #make4dlday
Note: Educator Innovator partners the Afterschool Alliance, the National Writing Project, Digital Is, Edutopia, YALSA...