Reflections on a Decade of Engaged Scholarship–The Final Report from...
This new report describes the connected learning approach and research in the context of broader...
The Making Learning Connected MOOC (clmooc) that happened this summer was a great experience for me and for many others. I’m remembering it now during Connected Learning Month (#ce13) because being connected as a learner and maker is not just something that just happens during one month, but is something that happens year round, and #clmooc was a great experience of connection.
This past summer, I came into #clmooc as an avid maker. My love of digital tools has led me to many types of digital making. Living in an extremely rural place, ‘making’ is a necessity: we have built our own house, keep a large garden, can jams and vegetables, make our own bread, and make many other things because it is easier and more satisfying than buying them. And of course, I am a writer.
Beyond the satisfaction of making though, #clmooc taught me many things as a connected educator. First and foremost, it reinforced for me the value of teachers as makers. Cultivating a maker spirit in education is a part of connected learning – developing a production-centered learning environment has many benefits for teachers and learners. And there is no better way to embrace this spirit than to be a maker yourself. I saw that while everyone doesn’t have the opportunity to attend a maker faire, everyone can participate in the maker culture through online communities like #clmooc.
The success of #clmooc inspired me to adapt the content for a mini-course I am creating as a part of the HP Catalyst Academy. Starting on Nov. 4, I’ll be facilitating Make/Hack/Play Together. This will be a short 3-week introduction to the maker movement for educators. Participants will be able to choose from a wide variety of real-world and digital projects to make. Whether you are looking for a way to extend your Connected Educator Month experience, an opportunity to dive into the maker movement in education, or an opportunity to re-engage the maker you found during #clmooc, this mini-course welcomes you.