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Educator innovators are lifelong learners, and that means we are always looking for inspiring new learning opportunities.
One professional learning event that happens every year, the K12 Online Conference in October, is a free online conference open to ANYONE and organized by educators for educators around the world interested in integrating emerging technologies into classroom practice. A goal of the conference is to help educators make sense of a continually changing learning landscape.
The K12 Online Conference is unique in that it is noncommercial and completely online. The short 20-minute video sessions are distributed asynchronously, which means you can watch them anywhere and anytime you like. While many participate during the actual conference dates, which are from Oct. 20-31 this year, others watch throughout the year. Some use these for district PD sessions; others watch them individually. Because the videos are open licensed, they can even be remixed.
While watching K12 Online is great, it’s even better to be a presenter! There’s no better way to learn and collaborate with others than to share your expertise with the community. The call for proposals for the conference is open now through August 15. Because K12 Online is online, no travel is required to present!
This year’s conference theme is “Igniting Innovation,” and the strands are: Gamification, Stories for Learning, Passion-driven Learning, and STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math).
We hope to see many of you educator innovators sharing what you know with the community through the K12 Online Conference.
By Karen Fasimpaur