Mobile games, gamefulness, and place-based learning
How can you leverage mobile gaming, location-based mobile features, and gamification to produce powerful learning...
Spoken word, or oral poetry, can help students critically examine dominant narratives to make sense of their own experience through language and express themselves using their own vernacular. As part of a special series designed for the Letters to the Next President 2.0 project, this L2P 2.0 Make Cycle/Media Make hangout served as an invitation for students to create oral “letters” to the next president. This hangout was hosted by KQED and Youth Speaks with educators and partners from the National Writing Project and YOUmedia Learning Labs Network.
View the Conversation
During the broadcast, the conversation also took place on Twitter using the hashtags #2nextprez.
Participants for this Webinar Included:
Resources for this Webinar:
Photo/ KQED Education