“Back to School” (Part 1): Creating a Culture of Kindness...
Webinar focus: How do we establish a classroom community where everyone is an important and valued...
#Netprov– “networked improvisation narrative” — an online art form occupying the densely populated cultural space of social media, holds the potential to highlight the value of participatory culture while recasting the traditional terms of cultural contribution, writing, and even what it means to author something.
Where can we locate these open communities of practice? How do we design for emergent collaborative narrative in social media spaces? This virtual field trip takes us to Meanwhile NetProvtudio to check in with #Netprov artists & practitioners who will share out the latest #netprov experiments.
Blurring the boundaries of reality & fiction (real life as a medium for the storytelling world)? Issues of trust and security? What might be the inherent goals for this kind of storytelling work? Issue of “the hoax”? How has this form of storytelling been used pedagogically?
Participants for this Webinar Include: