The Pedagogies & Platforms Behind Virtual Exchange
Virtual exchange is more than a video conference call; it is a rich learning opportunity....
What does distributed mentoring look like in fan fiction communities, and what can it tell us about open learning?
On Monday, May 4 from 11am-noon PT (2-3 pm ET) host, Katie Davis, and her colleagues from the University of Washington discussed their in-depth, ethnographic research on fan faction communities and open learning. Young people worldwide are participating in ever-increasing numbers in online fan communities. Far from shallow repositories of pop culture, growing evidence indicates that sophisticated informal learning is taking place in these communities.
This webinar was part of a May 2015 series titled Equity by Design: A DML 2015 Showcase, in which themes from the 2015 Digital Media and Learning conference are highlighted. Check out all the details at
From this Series:
View the Conversation
During the broadcast, the conversation also took place on Twitter using the hashtags #connectedlearning and #DML2015.
Guests for this webinar included:
Resources for this webinar:
Photo/Ana GR