No Bells, No Walls: Learning from the 2014 LRNG Innovation...
This second webinar of a three-part series featured 2014 LRNG Innovation Challenge grant recipients who shared...
Youth all over the world are being invited to help build Phonar Nation, the biggest photography storytelling class in history as part of this year’s nationwide Cities of Learning initiative. In this webinar, Phonar Nation founder, Jonathan Worth, an award-winning photographer, National Teaching Fellow and open education pioneer, discussed Phonar Nation and the power of photography, visual literacy and digital fluency for young people in today’s world.
Guests for this webinar included:
Paul Oh, National Writing Project
Jonathan Worth, founder of Phonar Nation
Mia Zamora, Associate Professor and director of Kean University Writing Project
Live Chat Archive
Click here to view and download a PDF version of the live chat conversation that happened during the webinar.
Phonar Nation
Kean University Writing Project
Cities of Learning
Connected Learning Alliance