“Spark an Interest, Ignite a Passion:” 2017 LRNG Innovators Challenge...
In its third year, LRNG Innovators has launched a new challenge, inviting educators to imagine...
In the midst of the 2016 US President Election cycle, how can we support the youth we work with in being critical media creators and agents around topics they care about instead of just consumers and targets of other people’s media? Join educators from the NWP, the LAMP,, and the Mozilla Foundation, who looked at a range of youth creations and free, open, and online tools and resources used to make and disseminate their own media. Live viewers were encouraged to try their hand at media making and sharing and to jump into a conversation about the implications for these tools, resources and practices in their own classrooms and learning contexts.
This hangout was produced in support of Letters to the Next President 2.0, a project engaging youth in civic participation on issues and topics that matter to them in the US Presidential Election. It was also co-streamed at
View the Conversation
During the broadcast, the conversation also took place on Twitter using the hashtags #2nextprez.
Participants for this webinar included:
Resources for this webinar:
Photo/ The LAMP