Understanding and Creating Digital Texts
We are writing more now than ever before. Powered by the digital, our writing involves...
We are proud to co-stream SLAM School, a production of the NCTE Studies in Literacies and Multimedia Assembly, co-hosted by Cathy Fleischer (Professor and co-director of the Eastern Michigan Writing Project) and Antero Garcia (Assistant Professor, Stanford University and Writing Project teacher leader).
As we dig into the nuances of Everyday Advocacy, we hope that you and your colleagues will—in real time—develop an advocacy plan related to an issue that is important to you. And we are here to help support you with that work! Online discussion will occur between episode with the Twitter hashtag #SLAMEdu and abundant resources can also be found at
You can catch up on all past SLAM School sessions on our YouTube page. SLAM School is an ongoing series for educators and organizers hosted by the NCTE Studies of Literacies & Multimedia (SLAM). Each class will feature a 15-20 minute hands-on session to help engage in discussions of activism in classrooms and beyond. For more information, please visit or the Twitter hashtag #SLAMedu.