Expanding Opportunity in a World of Innovation—Part 4 of “Doing...
Webinar focus: How can cities, schools, tech leaders, and policy makers drive innovation that is robust,...
As the “the world’s largest community for storytellers,” Wattpad is a free app and website that lets people discover and share stories about the things they love. More than 40 million people around the world turn to Wattpad to create and find stories that match their interests. Wattpad stories are serialized and the entire community participates in the storytelling process through comments, messages, and multimedia. This hangout covers what the Wattled network is all about and ways to connect. It’s the second in a 3-part series called “From Heroes to Villains or Back Again: Setting Off Creative Sparks for Young Makers with a Wattpad/DeviantArt ‘Twist Fate’ Challenge,” which was co-streamed at
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During the broadcast, the conversation also took place on Twitter using the hashtags #connectedlearning and #twistfate.
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