Using the ATtiny85 Microcontroller for Intermediate Paper Circuitry Projects (Part...
This episode originally aired on September 8, 2016. Join NEXMAP for a back to school...
Trust, privacy, and safety are critical to learning in an open online world. How can learners exercise control over who sees and uses their data? What tools do they need to navigate, collaborate, and learn online with confidence? What solutions will foster greater civility and respect in online learning environments? How can open technical standards create more opportunities to share and collaborate online in a spirit of trust?
The fifth open, international HASTAC/MacArthur Foundation Digital Media and Learning Competition, the Trust Challenge, will award $1.2 million to institutions and organizations that tackle these questions in real-life learning contexts. The Trust Challenge will fund successful collaborations or “laboratories” that create scalable, innovative, and transformative exemplars of connected learning that bridge technological solutions with complex social considerations of trust. Sheryl Grant, Director of Social Networking, talked about the Trust Challenge and direct potential applicants to useful resources.
Guests for this webinar included:
Sheryl Grant, Director of Social Networking, HASTAC
Paul Oh, Senior Program Associate, National Writing Project
Live Chat Archive
Click here to view and download a PDF version of the live chat conversation that happened during the webinar.
DML Trust Challenge Competition
Aspen Institute Task Force Report
Aspen Institute Calls for Redesigned Learning Spaces
DML Trust Competition Resources
HASTAC Thought Leader Interview Series
DML Trust Competition Examples
Antero Garcia: Teaching in the Connected Learning Classroom
Cities of Learning
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October 30 Webinar with Connie Yowell, Director of Education at the MacArthur Foundation, and David Theo Golberg, co-founder of HASTAC
DML Trust Competition on Facebook
Cities of Learning
Connected Learning Alliance